“ The rose of the winds takes us on a journey guided by the magnetic power of the Northern Star “ Designers Hila and Kristian Aadnevik draws their inspiration from the symbolic and principle navigational tool used for centuries to guide us through the right passage, those who are lost find their way and those that are on an adventure maintain on their path. The compass rose symbolizes hope, direction and progress when we are lost in the wilderness of our own making. For the age-old sailors it would bring them good luck and ensure they made it back to the shore alive. “ The muse for this collection is the rose itself with the northern star pointing an infinite number of rays in all directions, reminding us that we are the center of our universe navigating ourselves to our own happiness and fulfillment. “ Hand crafted organza roses are adorned with light feather petals encrusted with crystal pistils representing the compass of enchanting power and beauty. Draped crystal jersey luster around delicate silhouettes and embellished French lace forms patterns from old maps, while ethereal tulle creates transparencies and layers to metaphorize the odysseys of the rose. Fresh colours of red, yellow, pink, blue and green represents Zephyrus, the God of the west wind, the messenger of light spring and early-summer breezes, fructifying the roses and the land. Dark contrast of jet crystals and alluring raven lace reminds us that our heavenly heroine vanquish through the mysteries of the night.